Meertens Consult

Project Experiences

Rice Mechanization-

Coordination of a GIZ project managed by AfricaRice in Benin on rice mechanization and processing.

This project stimulated youth employment and increased the capacity of local craftsmen to manufacture technologies.

South America

In the EU funded project “Support to the Competitiveness of the Rice Sector of the Caribbean”
I was responsible for the review and reorganization
of the research and extension systems
in the rice sectors of Guyana and Suriname.

Multi Stakeholders

Guiding participatory research-extension on integrated soil fertility management in an irrigated rice scheme with farmers, farmers’ organisations, NGO’s and GO’s.

Identifying opportunities and constraints of the irrigated rice scheme.

Facilitating collaboration between different intervening organisations (e.g. through platform building).

Project Management

Management and coordination of on-farm fertilizer demonstrations in rice and maize, and on-farm plant nutrition management research in rice, cotton, maize and cassava/maize.

Setting up and evaluation of Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA).

Monitoring agricultural inputs information.

Coaching of extension workers
and small-scale private input suppliers.

Project management of the Kilimo/FAO
Plant Nutrition Programme
in the Mwanza and Kagera regions.